Does Hat Size Matter?

Does Hat Size Matter?
Does this hat make my head look too big..?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Obama wants to send American Industry to China..!

Today, I saw a clip of Pres. Obama saying how he wants to do with American Industry what was done with GM Chrysler.  Well, what was done with GM?  Well, GM received millions and millions of tax payers dollars in an illegal bail out for one.  What did American Citizens get out of this?  GM has sent much of its manufacturing plants to China, including their R&D department.  This means that China is getting the manufacturing capability as well as access to the new technologies being developed by GM..!

The GM Chrysler company is getting into bed with China, even going so far as to provide funding for a movie in China that glorified communism.  Is this the sort of things we can expect for the rest of our industries if Obama has his way??

What else has China gotten that the U.S. tax payers have paid for..?  Well for one, recently, China bought the patent for an Ion Lithium Car Battery that was paid for by American citizens through Federal funding, and when the maker went south, China was there to buy up the patent for cheap.  That's just a recent example, but certainly not the only one...

Where will it end?  What will we do about it?  You'll have to decide that for yourself...

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